Full Stack Software Engineer

Oct 2021 - Present

JET Charge

  • On-premise and autonomous Electric Vehicle (EV) charging load management system, developing both a user-friendly web interface green field project and implementing backend APIs.
  • Cloud-based platform focused on Electric Vehicle smart-charging management and optimisation. This encompassed implementing the web interface and backend APIs.

IT Specialist

Sep 2020 - Oct 2021

Energy Locals

  • Implemented specialised programs, utilising Azure services for efficient processing and management of AEMO settlements.
  • Streamlined data management processes by implementing automated backup solutions for databases and IT systems.

Graduate IT Specialist

Sep 2019 - Oct 2020

Energy Locals

  • Creation and implementation of a customized customer sign-up journey under the umbrella of white-label branding, streamlining and enhancing user onboarding.
  • Managed the deployment and maintenance of Virtual Private Servers (VPS), ensuring seamless functionality and system reliability.
  • Government and business reporting tasks utilizing SQL, demonstrating a keen understanding of data management and reporting principles.
  • Conducted the installation, testing, and configuration of IT equipment, contributing to a robust and well-functioning technological infrastructure.